dreadedmonkeygod . net

Fighting the Gorilla

Fighting the Gorilla

It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired - you quit when the gorilla is tired.

- Robert Strauss

I felt weak on Dreaded Hill, and I've been feeling like my climbing is off the pace in general. But I like data more than I like qualitative impressions. So today I headed for Bulldog to see where I really stand.

Bulldog is my "ride of truth." If I'm strong, it shows. If not... well, then that shows, too.

I half expected total disaster, but today went reasonably well. Final time: 42:30, about three minutes off PR pace. That's plenty strong enough to allay my worries that I'd let my fitness fade over the last year.

I'm going to follow up this ride with plenty of rest and stretching, and then go pre-ride Aliso this weekend.

Fighting the Gorilla

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