dreadedmonkeygod . net

Tahoe Prep: Week 15

Tahoe Prep: Week 15

This week got off to a rocky start: my rear tire picked up a nasty wood screw, which left me quickly going flat. I pulled over, pulled the screw out of my tire, and shoved in a plug. It was still hissing, so I put in a second plug which seemed to stop it.

A quick shot of CO2 got me rolling again, and I was off.

Unfortunately, just a few minutes later, I could feel that the rear tire was slowly going flat again.

I held out until the top of the switchbacks (the traction of super-low pressure is awesome), then used the rest of my first CO2 cartridge and hoped it would hold long enough to get me back to the office.

It did not. Two more top-ups killed my second CO2 cartridge, and then it was clear that I was out of options. I pulled out my phone and got a Lyft back to the office.

The rest of the week went pretty well, though. I didn't get in all the rides I wanted, but the final tally was solid nontheless.

This week's checklist:

  • Hard climb three days: check!
  • Ride 3+ hrs: check! (3:56)
  • Drop a pound: Nope.

My weight held steady at 182.6#. Stress at work saw me stuffing down a few extra cookies this week, and my usual routine of skipping breakfast & eating after my ride hasn't been consistent. So I'm honestly not surprised that I haven't dropped any more weight.

This week, I'll get everything dialed back in, and hopefully get my weight under 180# in the next couple of weeks.

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